
DTHub: Future City Flow in Trollhättan, Sweden

DTHub theme: Operational digital solutions – Digital Twins

The challenge

According to new regulatory requirements, since 2017, the city of Trollhättan’s share of rainfall dependant infiltration inflow in the municipality must not exceed 60% by 2023, from the current of 70%. The challenge is to visualize and communicate the impacts and effects of such new regulatory requirements and to help identify targets.

Pilot summary

was implemented to visualize and communicate the effects of measures undertaken and to identify target values as part of a 10 years plan, and how these could be effectively realized, within a reasonable timeframe and at the lowest investment cost.

Year started: 2018

Deployment scale: The city of Trollhättan was divided into 30 sub-catchments and the Future City Flow analysis recommended five focus measures for the upcoming 10 years. Based on these recommendations, Future City Flow simulated several hundred different scenarios, with the aim of identifying and visualizing the optimal combination of cost-effect.

Lesson learned and outcome

  1. The city of Trollhättan was able to create a well-documented review of the effects and costs of their carried-out measures, as well as a realistic plan for the coming 10 years with regards to achievable outcomes and budgets. This was communicated to the county regulatory board who reviewed the regulatory requirements set in 2018, with the aim of developing new regulatory requirements.
  2. For the city of Trollhättan, implementing Future City Flow resulted in improved insight into what catchments contribute the most to their current and future problems. It also provided a visual platform for comparing different scenarios. This visualisation helps for collaborative decision-making.
  3. The newly established 10-year plan will result in more targeted efforts at a lower cost and will help Trollhättan meet their targets.

End users contacts

Mrs. Susanna Håkansson, Water engineer, Trollhättan Energi AB, susanna.hakansson@trollhattanenergi.se, +46 20 89 90 00

Additional contact: Mrs. Cecilia Wennberg, SVP Water in Cities, DHI Group, cew@dhigroup.com, +46 10 685 08 00

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